How we can help you transform your life
The Magic Garden is a modern-day temple built to support and guide you on your Adventure of Self-Discovery
Everything we offer in The Magic Garden is designed to help you live a meaningful life full of daily joy.
Here are the transformational events we offer.
Life -transforming Retreats
HEAL your inner wounds and LIVE the life of your dreams
These retreats focus on psycho-spiritual transformation, healing of trauma, self-awareness, mystical experiences and recognition of the deeper nature of the Universe.
Full Moon Concerts
Music that MOVES you into a HEALING state.
During our transformative Full Moon Concerts, our ceremonial band, Axis Mundi Experience, plays guided channeled transformational music facilitating a huge amount of transformation, healing and peace of mind.
The Magic Garden Tribe
Join the morphogenetic field.
Heal & transform YOURSELF and the PLANET.
Become a member of The Magic Garden Tribe and heal, and transform your life.
A membersite platform where you can join us live online at our events. You get loving and tender support on your own journey.
Individual and couple ceremonies
HEAL your inner wounds and LIVE the life of your dreams
These ceremonies focus on psycho-spiritual transformation, healing of trauma, self-awareness, mystical experiences and recognition of the deeper nature of the Universe.
Woman Breakthrough Therapy
Discover joy of life and balance in your body and soul, and live out your innermost desires.
3-month therapeutic group program for women. YES! I ´m in!